ACC BOMBER TRIAD. The B-52s, B-1s, and B-2s of Air combat Command.
The United States Air Force is the only Air Force in the world with the ability to project power rapidly, precisely, and globally using strategic bombers. With their global range, large payloads and immediate response capability, Air Combat Command's (ACC's) heavy bombers, the B-52H, B-1B, and B-2A are at the core of the USAF's war fighting strategy and provide both nuclear and conventional deterrent options for the United States. Don Logan's eighth book for Schiffer Publishing Ltd. presents a roll call of ACC's bombers with photographs and history of all 208 bombers since joining ACC in June 1992. Also included are all of the bomber's weapons including gravity weapons, and special weapons such as AGM-84 Harpoon, AGM-86 ALCM/CALCM, AGM-129 ACM, AGM-142 Have Nap, AGM-154 JSOW, and AGM-158 JASSM. This book has over 700 color photographs, 40 line drawings, and 80 unit and special purpose flight suit patches.