W.W.1 AERO. The Journal of the Early Aeroplano. Nº 191.
- Gastambide-Mengin.
- Curtiss OX-5.
- Gallauder Part 13.
- Spad 13: Arango reproduction.
- Flying the Sopwith Dolphin, Part 2.
- The Rhonie Aviation Fresco, Part 2.
- Howard Whyte's accident.
- Etrich Taube accidente.
- Zilinsky's projects.
- Mark Miller's dwgs.
- Dead Sea Combat.
- Nieuport dwgs, corrected.
- Walter Christie.
- The Flyboys movie set.
- Remembering Wings.
- Identification X.
- Centerspread photo (Walton's Dr.I).
- Burgess seaplane.
- Benoist twin-engined fly ingboat.
- Rumpler Militar-Eindecker.
- Dorner Type II.
- Antique Aero Fly-In.
- Mikael Carlson Collection.
- Achim Engels Museum Project.
- Glenn H. Curtiss Museum (Curtiss America).
- Cole Palen Memorial Model Meet.
- Farnborough's Experimental Model.
- Tate on Grosz article.
- Historiography (Pisano essay).
INDEX WW1 Aero N.187-190.