NORTH AMERICAN'S T-6. A Definitive History of the World's Most Famous Trainer.
The most comprehensive history of the North American T-6 Texan ever written.
Details every model and variant.
Detailed documentation of production numbers and model designations.
445 historic photos and drawings.
NORTH AMERICAN'S T-6: A Definitive History of the World's Most Famous Trainer is the book the world's extensive T-6 community has been waiting years to have. Author Dan Hagedorn, curator for the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington, combines his professional documentation skills with rare access to valuable North American archival material to write the definitive book about one of the world's most beloved World War II aircraft.
The T-6 served as an advanced trainer for military pilots from more than 80 different nations around the world for several decades. In addition to highly detailed documentation of every T-6 variant used by both the U.S. Army Air Corps and U.S. Navy, literally all foreign T-6s manufactured in America or exported overseas are listed by individual country as well. Of the nearly 16,000 T-6s built, hundreds still fly today as prized, restored collectibles or airshow performers, giving this book a large potential readership.