THE PLANE TRUTH. Shift Happens at 35,000 Feet.
Written by an experienced male flight attendant who is married to a female pilot, it reveals the funniest, most outrageous, and unpredictable things that happen in the air!
This long-awaited sequel to The Air Traveler's Survival Guide (Impact Publications, 2001) is packed with stories about the crazy, humorous, and sad events that happen in the air travel industry, affecting crewmembers and passengers alike. In his engaging, sympathetic style, a very Frank Steward continues to share his experiences as a seasoned flight attendant whose wife is a pilot. You'll get a glimpse into their role-reversal lives and the lives of others at 35,000 feet. Along the way, Frank gives sound advice about coping with lifes curve balls and navigating the complex world of flying, especially in the aftermath of 9/11.
Among the many entertaining and true eye-openers in this volume are:
- A real-life in-flight scalping
- An unusual way a lovely stewardess earns extra money
- Outrageous things that happen in the cockpit
- Eating exotic food can have excruciating consequences
- Not all celebrities are what they seem to be
- Crewmembers' adventures in-flight and on layovers
- Some photo albums and movies can be seen by the wrong eyes
- Certain things airline crews don't want you to know
- The surgical procedure common among female flight attendants
As readers laugh, grimace, and cry while reading Frank's attention-grabbing anecdotes, theyll discover wonderful nuggets of travel helps to use immediately:
- Tips on personal hygiene at 35,000 feet
- Ten rules for getting through security
- Keeping healthy in germ-infested hotel rooms
- Ways to improve your air travel experience